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1 June 2006 Solanum Perlongistylum and S. Catilliflorum, New Endemic Peruvian Species of Solanum, Section Basarthrum, Are Close Relatives of the Domesticated Pepino, S. Muricatum
G. J. Anderson, C. T. Martine, J. Prohens, F. Nuez
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Two species new to Solanum sect. Basarthrum (Bitter) Bitter are described. Solanum perlongistylum G. J. Anderson, Martine, Prohens & Nuez and S. catilliflorum G. J. Anderson, Martine, Prohens & Nuez are narrowly distributed species from southern Peru in the group that includes the Andean domesticate S. muricatum Aiton and are very closely related to the widespread S. caripense Dunal. Solanum catilliflorum bears small, dish-shaped flowers (for which it is named) and is self-compatible and autogamous, with short styles like those that characterize all self-compatible species in this section. It also has a low pollen:ovule ratio, which is characteristic of self-compatible species in the group. On the other hand, the style of the self-incompatible S. perlongistylum is the longest in the group, and its flowers have a higher pollen:ovule ratio. Both species are diploid at n  =  12. We hypothesize that these two species may be peripheral isolates from the widespread and variable S. caripense.

G. J. Anderson, C. T. Martine, J. Prohens, and F. Nuez "Solanum Perlongistylum and S. Catilliflorum, New Endemic Peruvian Species of Solanum, Section Basarthrum, Are Close Relatives of the Domesticated Pepino, S. Muricatum," Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 16(2), 161-167, (1 June 2006).[161:SPASCN]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 June 2006
IUCN Conservation Status: VU
pollen:ovule ratios
Solanum catilliflorum
Solanum perlongistylum
Solanum sect. Basarthrum
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